Month: September 2013

  • Vaccination scares in the media

    You know, we try to be diligent about balancing a whole-foods/all-natual lifestyle with scientific progression, and sometimes those views crash into each other.  For example, while I do feel some vaccinations are very important (MMR, Polio, Hepatitis), I think others are complete crap, like the flu shot.  I like to think I read the medical…

  • Cold and cough

    Poor Ezra has been fighting a cold for awhile now.  The past few nights he’s been waking himself up because he’s been coughing so hard.  I’m fighting a cold as well, but not to the extent that he is.  A few months ago I read about a fellow blogger’s garlic balm that she uses on colds…

  • Garden clean up

    A couple days ago, I woke up to find this: And then the other day we found feathers in the bathroom, but no dead bird, so figured the cats must have eventually taken it back outside.  Yeah…that wasn’t the case.  A day later, Jesse picked up the toilet paper pack off the floor and the…

  • Digital life and hand smacking

    I was reading this article on Slate about how these parents have made a conscious decision to not post any photos of their child online.  They remove tags from Facebook if a friend includes the kid in a photo, they purchased the web domain for her name, signed up for email addresses, the works.  They…

  • Mischief managed

    There are some days when Jesse doesn’t shower.  Not because he likes being dirty, but because Ezra gets into mischief when left alone.  We have really child proofed the upstairs as much as we can, and we have a baby gate so he’s pretty much stuck to the kitchen and living room.  Lately, Ezra has…