Month: April 2015

  • 37 weeks and counting

    I am now officially 37 weeks, 1 day pregnant.  I’m so close to the end goal and while I’m really hoping I hold out until my official due date (May 10th), this baby is feeling quite cramped and I’m a bit worried he’s going to be huge.  At this stage I am less worried about…

  • Shit just got real, yo

    The Ezra train of destruction rolls on.  On the plus side, I was finally able to locate Ezra’s baby clothes (they WERE in that tub in Ezra’s closet).  Ezra was helping me sort through them but after awhile got bored.  He likes to close the door to his room when I’m in there so I…

  • When things don’t go as planned, oh well

    We were supposed to have a behaviorist come and see Benny and Luca tonight to start working on resource guarding.  However, Benny ripped a toenail the other day and we were going to take him in to the vet today so we rescheduled with the behaviorist for next week.  I thought dog toenails were like people toenails in…

  • Let the 1,000 Treat Challenge begin!

    I know Jesse thinks I spend too much money on the dogs.  I probably do but I want them to be healthy and happy and like being with us so I don’t worry too much about the cost, especially during times where we may be more flush than others. Case in point, I just bought…