Month: April 2017

  • Kidney stones

    I had my CT scan and it turns out I have a very large kidney stone.  Kind of crazy and I had ruled it out because I don’t have any pain but apparently it’s in a position where it doesn’t cause pain.  They said they don’t know how long it’s been there, could be years…

  • April 2017 keto log

    4.1.17 – I was pretty much keto free for the month of March.  I attempted it here and there but didn’t stick to it at all.  I love me some Cadbury eggs.  And donuts.  And goldfish crackers…  I am up to 243 as of this morning.  My “Yay I lost two pants sizes!” pants are…

  • The poo saga continues

    When we last left off, Leo had shat on the living room carpet upstairs.  I worried he would do it again as he loves to take off his pants and diaper and sometimes I’m just not paying attention.  I’m happy to report he has NOT pooped on the living room carpet upstairs again so far.…

  • Spring has sprung

    Spring is truly here!  Our backyard fruit trees are beautifully blossoming and are so pretty to look at! We are only going to be keeping the one pear tree (white flowers) and cutting down the apple and peach as they are too close to our back fence line.  But we have another peach tree planted…

  • Spring Break 2017 edition

    Ezra’s spring break was this past week so we decided to head out with Velvet’s family and go to Green River, UT.  We didn’t have an auspicious start to the trip; Jesse was pulled over and ticketed twice within maybe a half hour for speeding.  It was completely ridiculous in the sense that he was…