Category: vacation

  • A-camping we will go, a-camping we will go, hi ho the dairy-o, a-camping we will go

    In case you couldn’t tell, we will be camping this season. We’ve been kicking around the idea of getting either a bigger tent or a camping trailer. A tent would be MUCH cheaper but not nearly as comfortable. A trailer would be MUCH more expensive and we’d need a new rig to pull it, but…

  • Not done yet

    “Not done yet. Not done yet!” is one of Leo’s favorite phrases lately. He is currently building a tower with Duplo blocks and when I told him it was a wonderful tower Leo said, “No! Not done yet!” Ok kid, ok. He will be sitting on the toilet and yell for me to help him.…

  • Spring Break 2017 edition

    Ezra’s spring break was this past week so we decided to head out with Velvet’s family and go to Green River, UT.  We didn’t have an auspicious start to the trip; Jesse was pulled over and ticketed twice within maybe a half hour for speeding.  It was completely ridiculous in the sense that he was…

  • And a happy new year!

    Oh my, this past month has been absolutely delightful in many ways and not so much in others.  In December, I came down with a bad cold and took off about a week from work because I was so sick and tired.  I went back to work for about two days, and then it was…

  • Catch-up post part 1 – Sweet, sweet vacation

    You know how you mean to do something, but then time gets away from you and then suddenly it’s a month later and that thing you meant to do still hasn’t been done?  Yeah, that’s this blog and me.  Over the next few days/weeks, I will attempt to catch up on all the happenings around…