It’s story time!

We’ve been reading to Ezra at bedtime pretty regularly for quite awhile now.  Recently we gave him some “learning to read” books that Jesse had from his time as a teaching aide.  At least, I think that’s where he got them.  Or maybe Mary gave them to us…  In any event, we’ve been reading these new books, which are very similar to slim manuals, at night.  On the back page there are about four comprehension questions that we ask him and he is really good at answering them!

The books are numbered and the lower numbers are really basic stories and concepts while the upper double-digits are much more complex.  He’s pretty good at answering the questions from either side of the spectrum, although sometimes he needs a little prodding.  Last night after we were finished he said, “Aren’t you so impressed with me, mom?” and I kissed him and told him I was always impressed with him.  He’s not really hurting for confidence but I think it’s important to always bolster that confidence because you know there’s going to be a time he’s less than confident and he’ll need something he can think back to and feel good about.

Ezra is awesome about sharing.  He always wants to share treats with us, or his brother, or his cousins (who he may not see for a couple days so he always wants to store his concoctions in the freezer for them until he sees them again).  He’s getting into building with his lego blocks and is getting pretty solid at playing by himself and making up themes and stories to go along with his games.
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A couple nights ago Ezra decided he wanted to tell us a story, so he told us about Fairy Wishland, where there were one million fairies and they gave three wishes each.  At first he said that you could only get three wishes total, and not three from each fairy.  We asked what his three wishes would be, and I don’t recall his first wish (I know it was something amusing), but I remember he wanted a salami house (literally a house made out of salami), and then an ice cream house.  We told him he’d have to keep the ice cream house at the North Pole so it wouldn’t melt.  He said if it *did* melt we would lick it off ourselves to get clean.  Then he changed his tune and said we could have three wishes from every fairy.  We tried to explain the wishes wouldn’t be as precious then, but that didn’t seem to bother him.

Ezra went in for his first dental checkup on Thursday.  He was a little apprehensive so I had him watch me get mine done first and then he went off to his own chair like a champ.  He does have two cavities that will need to be filled, and our dentist’s brother is a pediatric dentist in the same building so we were sent over there to schedule an appointment to get those cavities taken care of.  I feel bad that we didn’t implement a strict tooth-brushing regime until about two months ago but it is what it is and I cannot change it now.  Leopold has teeth, we should probably get started on a brushing routine for him as well.  As an aside, I still have no cavities!  (I have a couple “shadows” and “pre-cavities” but those have been there for ages and are hardly worth mentioning, right?)


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