Vaccination scares in the media

You know, we try to be diligent about balancing a whole-foods/all-natual lifestyle with scientific progression, and sometimes those views crash into each other.  For example, while I do feel some vaccinations are very important (MMR, Polio, Hepatitis), I think others are complete crap, like the flu shot.  I like to think I read the medical journals when they come out (the ones that make the news/social media feeds at least) but the problem I have is…I do not have a medical degree.  The problem is…data can be skewed toward whichever way the writer is leaning.  The problem is…I don’t know how to filter the good from the bad, the real from the false.

Case in point, there is a lot of scare for the vaccinations causing Autism.  Then a few years ago, the lead doctor who found the correlation basically said he made the whole thing up.  Then today I read that there was another payout for a child who the courts determined became autistic due to the MMR vaccine.  So, with all this information, how the heck am I supposed to decide what is the correct course of action?

I mean, I’m not all conspiracy theorist that the gov’t is using us as unknowing research guinea pigs, but…but…on the other had, I really wouldn’t put it past them.  I mean, we have put fluoride in our water to ostensibly help strengthen teeth, but there is a slew of research that shows fluoride may increase certain kinds of cancer.  I totally think that a lot of ideas and regimens are pushed through with too little research.  I want to do the best thing for our family, but how do you separate the fact from the fiction?
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A lot of the homesteading blog writers I read do not vaccinate their kids.  They point to graphs that show disease was on a decline before vaccinations ever came about, and if it was good enough for our pioneers, it’s good enough for them.  Of course, then you have the other side that completely debunks those graphs with more science.  I would like to think that science has progressed to the point where we would see some benefits that improved our health over and above what our pioneering forefathers had access to.

But honestly, at this point, who the hell knows?


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