Category: garden

  • Taming of the shrew(s)

    With our rabbits getting all mature and frisky, we are starting to plan a breeding schedule.  Well, not so much a schedule as when to breed for the first time.  We’ll go to a schedule once we get a feel for the situation most likely.  I have been on one of my Facebook rabbit forums…

  • Oregon vacation and then some

    We recently went on our annual trip to the Oregon coast to visit family.  There is a resort in Florence called Mercer Lake Resort that our family has been attending since 1951.  There are a number of cabins, fairly shabby, that we stay in.  The resort has a swimming area, benches on the dock for fishing, and boating,…

  • Flowing foliage

    While we are waiting for our garden beds to grow and fill our rumbling bellies, our flowers are blooming like crazy! The first year we moved in, I had no idea what I was doing and pretty much killed the large rose bushes that were here and we dug them out.  Then last fall I…