Category: parenting

  • Confidence

    Ezra is getting more and more confident every day.  The other day a song came on the radio and he started singing with it, which really means he mumbled in a monotone, and at the end he said, “Mommy!  I’m a great singer!” to which I replied, “You sure are!” Yesterday he went to the…

  • Leo’s VBAC birth – part 3

    I had been up and about in my room, and I had done a circuit of the hall floor prior to being discharged, but actually leaving my room and getting out to the car was a challenge.  I felt a bit woozy and had to walk really slowly.  Jesse went to get the car once…

  • Shit just got real, yo

    The Ezra train of destruction rolls on.  On the plus side, I was finally able to locate Ezra’s baby clothes (they WERE in that tub in Ezra’s closet).  Ezra was helping me sort through them but after awhile got bored.  He likes to close the door to his room when I’m in there so I…

  • Benny’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

    They say you should always supervise children and dogs when they are together in the same room.  We don’t really follow that too closely, especially since our dogs have grown up with Ezra since they were puppies.  However, we have always known that Benny is a bit of a resource guarder when it comes to food,…

  • Day of one million doctors

    Ok, so not really one million doctors, but I did have three doctor appointments yesterday.  The first one was with my chiropractor.  I’m trying to make sure I’m as aligned as possible for when Leo makes his appearance.  Apparently my tailbone keeps swinging off to the right, which is why my left ass cheek always…