Category: rabbits

  • One bunny down

    On my days off, I check the rabbits several times a day.  With this weather I check to make sure the water isn’t frozen, that they have food in the feeders, that the babies are running around.  A couple days ago I noticed one of the kits was really lethargic.  I picked it up and…

  • We have baby bunnies! And, oh, Thanksgiving happened, too.

    This year, we decided to spend Thanksgiving in Vegas with Jesse’s family, and then move on to my Dad’s for the next couple days before coming home.  We were able to get Jesse’s awesome niece to come and watch over the animals, especially the rabbits.  Why especially, you ask?  Because our maybe-pregnant doe was set to…

  • The mouse in the diapers

    Folding diapers a couple nights ago, I picked up a diaper and shook it out.  What appeared to be a piece of bark or a large moth flung backward and landed on my shirt.  I’m not huge on insects and the cats have been known to bring in moths, so I was on the verge of freaking…

  • Theoretically pregnant doe

    I’ve decided to learn to knit.  Nothing fancy, just a couple rows here and there.  Honestly, I bought a crochet kit first, but I could NOT figure that out from the book, and knitting seemed easier, so I went out the next day and bought a knitting kit, complete with book.  Let me tell you,…

  • Mischief managed

    There are some days when Jesse doesn’t shower.  Not because he likes being dirty, but because Ezra gets into mischief when left alone.  We have really child proofed the upstairs as much as we can, and we have a baby gate so he’s pretty much stuck to the kitchen and living room.  Lately, Ezra has…