37 weeks and counting

I am now officially 37 weeks, 1 day pregnant.  I’m so close to the end goal and while I’m really hoping I hold out until my official due date (May 10th), this baby is feeling quite cramped and I’m a bit worried he’s going to be huge.  At this stage I am less worried about a uterine rupture and dying (which is what I worried about earlier in pregnancy) than I am about being able to labor unmedicated.

I used to think people who birthed with no meds were crazy.  Why not take advantage of science when it allows you to birth virtually pain free?  *Those* people were crazy hippies who just wanted to flout their ability to withstand pain and rub it into the rest of our faces.  But now after having read up about how one intervention leads to another and it can snowball until you end up with a c-section (witness Ezra’s birth), and the fact that doctors try to use as little interventions as possible in a VBAC candidate, I’m left looking at an all-natural birth.

I don’t typically handle pain well.  Being uncomfortable, sure, I can deal with that, but flat-out pain, not so much.  I’m trying to tell myself that because I won’t have pitocin this time (which severely increases contraction length and strength) and no manual breaking of water, it should be a more mellow labor process than last time.  Even just typing this is making my heart beat a little faster.  It’s freaking me out!  So maybe I just won’t think about it now.  Maybe I’ll put off thinking about it until I’m actually in labor?  Yeah, that sounds like a solid plan.

I do need to get my hospital bag put together.  Some stuff for me, some stuff for Leo.  Even Jesse has asked me when I plan on getting that together.  Maybe I’ll get to it this weekend.
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We had the dog behaviorist trainer come over and she liked the stuff we’ve been working on so far and had some other ideas for training on resource guarding.  We also worked a bit on the issue of the dogs chasing the cats.  Her steps made sense, but we not going to be able to implement them at all because it all revolves around the dogs basically never having access to chase the cats, and short of keeping the dogs crated at all times there is no way to prevent that.  We’re not going to close the dog door, and we’re not going to keep the cats inside with a litter pan.  She did acknowledge that we have to pick our battles, and that’s just one I’m not going to choose to do.  She also recommended getting a flirt pole to exercise the dogs.  I thought walking/running was the best way to exercise, but apparently something in which they are physically *and* mentally stimulated is the best.  I don’t know if I’ll have Jesse make one or if I’ll just buy one.

I’ve just been reading up on articles that say you should never get littermates because it can lead to something called littermate syndrome in which the dogs bond to each other instead of humans.  It makes a lot of sense, but then I also see articles that are refuting this theory.  I still go around in circles on keeping Luca but I think we’ll keep him.  He does exhibit some of the symptoms to a certain extent, like how he always needed to be near Benny and would freak out when separated, but lately he’s been calming down on those traits.  Who knows.

We were going to have a lady come out to clean our house once a month, but when I called to actually set up a time and set a schedule, she let me know that she had to take over her niece’s clients and was no longer accepting new houses.  I asked Velvet if she wanted the job and she said yes:)  It might be weird that my sister is cleaning my kitchen and bathrooms, but seriously I don’t care.  If she’s willing to do a good job for the money I’m willing to pay, I will pay that money.  I HATE cleaning bathrooms.  And now we can have clean bathrooms again, woohoo!


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