Activated charcoal, anyone?

How I feel when I have to get up in the morning to head to work
How I feel when I have to get up in the morning to head to work

I’ve been reading up on the beneficial uses of activated charcoal.  Apparently it’s very viable for any number of uses, from poisonous spider bites to gas and bloating.  The main workings of it is that even though the charcoal powder is very fine, at a molecular structure it has a bunch of crags and spaces that help trap toxins which you then eliminate through feces.  I have heard a number of people rely on it for when they feel like they’re getting the cold or flu.  Ezra gets random stomach bugs so I’m thinking maybe this can help him.  It’s also a great teeth whitener, and you all know how particular I am about my teeth (just had my six-month checkup and still nary a cavity!  Win!)  I’ll need to read up on it more, though.  Elderberry syrup is supposed to be great for flu symptoms as well.  Yet another item to look up.  I may end up making my own based off this recipe.

Also, I’m reading more and more about fluoride and how it can mess up a person, so I’m thinking we may switch to a natural toothpaste.  I was looking at Tom’s of Maine, but apparently they were bought out a couple years ago and their items have been subtly changing over time.  For example, they have now included SLS in their toothpaste.  I would imagine it was added because it creates bubbles and the new owners figure their buyers want a frothy toothpaste.  And I hear they used to have some verbiage about river maintenance projects and that has been removed from the packaging.  So, I think I may try the Desert Essence brand; it has good reviews and it’s SLS and fluoride free.

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I totally dropped a baby bunny a couple days ago.  They are squirmy!  I was holding one of the larger ones and it squeaked and started flipping around and just flipped right out of my hands.  It landed on all fours and appeared to be in good health when I snatched it back up.  Many of the kits’ eyes are opened now and I didn’t want it running off.  They are getting fast, too.  Haven’t lost any other kits, but white mama has a kit that appears kind of runty.  Will have to keep an eye on it.  Pretty soon they should be moving out of the nest box, though, and eating pellets.  As long as I can get them to that stage they should be all set.  One lady on one of my rabbit forums found her rabbit had 16 kits!  I feel that’s wayyyy too many for one doe to handle.  I’d be curious to hear if she’s lost any of them.  I guess she had another couple does set to kindle, so maybe she farmed out a couple to other new mothers.

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We’ve been kicking around the idea of getting more chickens.  Jesse wants a specific breed (Delaware) and we are already planning on expanding the chicken run so we could probably handle quite a few more.  The trick is integrating them with the rest of the flock once they are old enough.  They can be old enough to move outside after a couple months, but still would need more time before they can be integrated, so we’d have to figure out a way to move them outside but still keep them separate from the adult ladies we already have.  It would be nice to have more chickens in the sense that they could turn over more compost more quickly and could do even more pest control….  We’ll see.

I’ve decided my kombucha is taking way too long to ferment.  You want to hit the sweet spot of 76-80 degrees ambient temperature and we usually keep our house at maybe 70 degrees.  Right now I have the fermenting jars in the bathroom closet upstairs because it’s right above the water heater and that area is the warmest in the house.  But still, I should be able to get good fermenting turnover in about seven days and instead it usually takes about 21 or longer.  And the second fermenting process should only take about 4-5 days and that is also taking about 21 days to get to the carbonation level that I like.  Solution?  I purchased a seed starter mat!  It’s supposed to be used for starting out seedlings, but it seems to work well for my purposes.  I just plugged it in last night so it will be interesting to find out how much it speeds up the process.

We had a bunch of avocados about to get too ripe, so we made a salad dressing out of one of them, and we made chocolate mousse with the rest.

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They are both pretty good, if kind of weird.  Last night I could kind of taste the avocado “greenness” in the chocolate mousse, and not so much today.  What completely random food item will we make next?  Stay tuned….


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