Category: chickens

  • Drama with dressers

    This past weekend we decided to clean up the downstairs of the house.  We cleaned out all the soap business stuff from Ezra’s room, moved the bookcase against the other wall in his room so he could use the cubby holes for his tpys and books, and we went to Ikea to look at toddler…

  • Elderberry syrup is delicious!

    I finally got the main ingredients to make some elderberry syrup.  The recipe I used called for some items I didn’t have, like cloves (note to self: buy cloves), so I substituted with a star anise.  I also used a whole cinnamon stick and I used fresh sliced ginger.  The process was pretty simple, but…

  • Activated charcoal, anyone?

    I’ve been reading up on the beneficial uses of activated charcoal.  Apparently it’s very viable for any number of uses, from poisonous spider bites to gas and bloating.  The main workings of it is that even though the charcoal powder is very fine, at a molecular structure it has a bunch of crags and spaces…

  • New kits coming up!

    Am really quite certain our mellow white doe is with child(ren).  I went to feed some hay a couple nights ago and she immediately started haystaching.  Definitely a good sign, but now I’m paranoid she is planning to have the kits early.  February 4th would be the 28th day, so that’s when I will put…

  • Poo on the carpet, what a lovely surprise!

    For whatever reason, some of Ezra’s diapers have not been very absorbent lately.  Probably just means I need to strip them again.  A few days ago, this happened and Ez started crying because he felt pee rolling down his legs.  I got him into the bath and then my phone went off and it was…