Happy birthday to me

I woke up the other day when Ezra came into our bedroom.  He was standing next to my side of the bed and we started giggling about something and he said, “Mom, you’re adorable!”  It was the best thing, EVER!

Leo and Ezra get along so well, I’m loving it.  Hopefully it lasts.


Jesse’s brother shot a deer and he dropped it off for us on Monday so we spent a few hours piecing it out and bagging it up.  Luckily we were able to fit in between the freezer upstairs and the upright freezer downstairs.


It was quite a bit smaller than the elk and we made really good time on it.  We got a lot more scraps for dog food as well as about six more bags of ground deer and a few steaks and roasts.  We also kept some meaty bones this time and the dogs have been enjoying them immensely.

My birthday was on Thursday and it was great!  I had the day off work and we spent it hanging out and shopping.  I also discovered that Leo is teething.  He has long tried to put our fingers and hands (and cheeks, necks, hair, whatever) into his mouth whenever he could, but lately it’s been more than usual and he is so drooly!  I was not surprised when I felt a tooth had broken through his gums, and the next day the second one had broken through.  So he is on his way to having his bottom two teeth come in.

Because he is now 5.5 months and he’s teething, we decided to get some of those mesh bags that you put food in so they can gum it down/suck in it and learn how to eat more solid food.

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Trying pear for the first time
Trying pear for the first time

He was not quite sure what to think about the pear.  On the one hand, it was cold from having been in the fridge so probably felt great on his gums, but on the other hand pears have a pretty strange flavor if you’ve only had formula.  Last night we put some banana in it and Leo seemed to like that better.  Not sure if it was the more mushy texture or the flavor he liked more, but he ate/sucked about half of it out of the bag.  Win!

Jesse also put together Ezra’s old crib because Leopold was busting at the seams in the pack-and-play we had been using.  I think Leo likes all the space; the trouble now is that with the PnP he would try to roll over but hit an edge and so would sleep on his side, but now that he has more space he is able to turn over fully, and I’m so scared of SIDS that it freaks me out and makes me want to turn him over any time I see him on his belly.  Also, he gets frustrated of being on his belly and not being able to turn back over so I have to get up out of bed to move him.  He’s also gotten legs stuck between the slats and that pisses him off as well (rightly so) and then we have to unstick his limbs.  I’m always worried that I won’t be able to squish his legs back through even though I know logically that if they got through one way they should be able to move in the reverse.

Last night we made elk steaks and asparagus and it was delicious!  The elk wasn’t gamey at all and the asparagus was buttery and still had a nice snap to it, perfection!


Ezra has been on a cereal kick again lately.  I make such good-looking babies!



One response to “Happy birthday to me”

  1. Laura Cobb Avatar
    Laura Cobb

    This was an excellent blog. Keep it up!

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