Spring Break 2017 edition

Ezra’s spring break was this past week so we decided to head out with Velvet’s family and go to Green River, UT.  We didn’t have an auspicious start to the trip; Jesse was pulled over and ticketed twice within maybe a half hour for speeding.  It was completely ridiculous in the sense that he was in no way being unsafe.  The roads were nice and dry, fairly straight stretches of land.  We get to contact the county’s municipal buildings in no less than 5 but no more than 14 days.  It’s always nice to shell out tons of money and get points on your license, right?

After that it was smooth sailing, though.  We got to the motel that evening and hit up a taco truck for dinner.  The food was really basic but pretty tasty.  It was too late for our family to swim that night but Velvet’s girls got some time in.

And around then is where it went to hell that night for us.  See, Leo had been able to crawl out of his crib at home so we had swapped him out for the mattress, but he was still sleeping in his pack ‘n play at Brenda’s and we brought that crib with us.  He really doesn’t fit in it well at all and within moments had crawled out of it and was zooming around the motel room.  We put him back to bed many times and finally we decided Jesse would sleep with Ezra and Leo would sleep with me, except LEO DID NOT WANT TO SLEEP.  I was tired from the trip and a little emotionally exhausted from the speeding tickets and I just wanted to sleep!  In the end I had to physically restrain Leo to stay in the bed and he was just screaming bloody murder.  I felt bad for the folks with rooms near us because those walls were THIN!  Eventually Leopold fell asleep and I was able to doze off as well.  I say “doze” because that’s what it was.  I kept waking up thinking Leo was going to fall off the bed (which was high off the ground) and that kid is a mover.  He was all over the place.  I had to move him around many times that night.  I was NOT refreshed the next morning.

But morning eventually came and we met with Velvet’s team at the complimentary breakfast.  Which was all carbs.  It was pretty much the cheapest form of breakfast you could offer people for free.  But whatever, we ate and then were on our way.  Except maybe three minutes into the drive Velvet signalled us to pull over because her tire light had come on.  Turned out she had a nail in her tire and so we turned back around into town to find a repair shop.  And then we had to stop back at the motel after that for some more incidentals.  But after that, we were ON OUR WAY!

We took one wrong exit but the drive was very pretty so we didn’t mind.  We finally got to Little Wildhorse Canyon and started the trek.  It was a pretty easy hike for the most part with a couple areas requiring a bit of scrambling.  Because it was pretty early in the year there were still a couple places with water pooled up where we had to get creative in getting through those areas.  Ezra freaked out because he didn’t want to fall in (it also turned out later that he thought there were snakes hiding in the water) and at one point he did fall in and get one foot wet.  He was much more scared on the return trip because he knew what to expect.  I got cocky and then slipped in the water on the return.  Good times.

It was a little over five miles round trip and I think we were all glad to get back to the cars.  Jesse had had Leo in a hiking backpack all day and while Leo had a great time being carted around, Jesse’s back probably wasn’t too pleased.

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We went back to the motel for some swimming and hot tubbing which the kids loved.  The tub could have been a bit hotter but it was probably a good temp for the kids.

We went to dinner at Tamarisk (we had tried to go the night before but it was too busy) and at first they were saying they couldn’t give us a high chair for Leo because he would have to sit in an aisle and it was a fire safety code violation.  Like it was the only point of exit from the dining area.  But eventually they found a table where they swapped out an adult chair.  Seriously they made a much bigger deal about it than was necessary.  They had fantastic fry bread and my halibut fish was great.  We finished off the night with a giant cinnamon roll and headed back for more swimming.  At least, the others did.  I got back to the room with Leo and crashed.

It wasn’t as difficult with Leo the second night but it still wasn’t fun.  I was able to get him to go to sleep in his crib and Ezra decided he wanted to sleep with me that night.  I have to say, that kid is a mover as well!  He was all over the place so I had to keep moving and scootching him around.  And then he would cuddle up next to me which was adorable except I was sleeping on less than a fourth of the bed and there was ALL this wide open space on the other side of Ez.  Finally, around 4am I got up and went to sleep with Jesse.  HE knows how to sleep vertically so I was able to get another 2.5 hours of sleep pretty uninterrupted.

The drive home was uneventful.  We took a different route home and saw some new sites.  We hit some snowy areas at one point.  It was so great unpacking everything and being able to sleep in our own beds!  I could have used a few more hours of sleep but that’s a fairly normal desire these days.


One response to “Spring Break 2017 edition”

  1. Sounds like a wonderful time. These are memmories!

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