We own fish again

Jesse has been setting up a salt water aquarium again for the past couple weeks.  We started more slowly this time, let it cycle awhile before adding snails and hermit crabs.  Two nights ago we went and bought our first set of fish for the new tanks, a set of clown fish.  They are super cute and very small and are fairly dusky.  I don’t think they will be the bright orange that most people associate with clowns.  They were tank raised and know how to host so if we get an anemone they should know what to do.

Leo has been kind of cranky again the last couple days, running fevers, being pretty needy.  He wants me to hold him, then he wants down, then he wants back up again.  His two upper canines popped a week or so ago and Jesse said he saw a lower one has broken through now as well.  He’s probably working on the last canine and that’s why he’s been a crank pot.

All in all, though, the boys are pretty adorable.


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Ezra is now in preschool and I think he has mixed feelings about it.  Every morning he tells me he doesn’t want to go to school, and when I drop him off he’s like velcro kid.  But when Brenda picks him up she says he’s all smiles and how he had such a great day, so who knows.  He had a rough morning on Thursday.  He wouldn’t put his tablet away and come get into the car so I told him he couldn’t have his tablet the rest of the day and then it escalated so he couldn’t have Minecraft for a week.  Oh, it was a stormy scene!  I finally had to pick him up and physically carry him to his room for a time out, and by then we were late to preschool.

He finally calmed down and we talked about it and I told him he could earn back his stuff by doing things around the house to help me out.  He was really keen to earn his stuff back by putting Benny in his kennel and giving him a treat.  I was like, how is that helping me out?  And he said, “Because I’m putting Benny in his kennel!”  I tried telling him that wasn’t something I needed help with but he was really fixated on that.

Later in the day his teacher texted me a photo and Ezra was lying down under the backpack area, she let me know he was still having a rough day.  But when I went to pick him up after class was done she let me know that after she texted me she asked if he wanted to join the group and he jumped up and smiled and said he was ready to make good choices now!  (That’s something that we’re working on, making good choices.)  So he got a little note to take home with him that said he’d made his teacher happy by making good choices.  He was all smiles about that.


One response to “We own fish again”

  1. This blog was very informative. Good luck wth the refi and upgrades around the house. Hopefully the boys will have a better week this week.

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